Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2015

Dinistiq Version 0.5

The minimalistic Dependency Injection library for Java - Dinistiq - has been published in version 0.5.
This version still doesn't change the main outline of the project: It deals with a single - singleton - scope with a few extensions in a very small footprint library. The library does not introduce any custom tags but fully relies on a subset of the JSR330 definitions.
Despite its limited scope it still successfully executes the TCK and comes with a reasonable unit test coverage. These unit tests have been migrated to TestNG to be in sync with my other projects reflecting the license which better fits into the set of licenses of the used dependencies in this project.


The once more extended test coverage after the migration to TestNG showed two bugs relating to class discovery. These have been fixed in this release.

Leaner Web Integration

Due to the use of older versions of the Servlet API, dinistiq had to use a central dispatcher servlet dispatching to other so called registerable servlets. This level of indirection has been complete removed. With dinistiq 0.5 the web integration is mostly rewritten now depending on the Servlet API version 3.1.
Sadly this also removes its URL pattern matching capabilities.
RegisterableServlet instances from the dinistiq scope are now registered with the Servlet container directly. They now present a number of Servlet specification compatible URL patterns (no regular expressions any more - sorry) and and the same ordering indicator as with previous releases.


Starting from release 0.4 dinistiq is available from the JCenter repository at


Latest snapshots are provided at


There are already some 0.6-SNAPSHOTs available, but they don't present changes worth mentioning right now.


Take a look at your web.xml. If you see something like


simply remove it!
The RegisterableServlet interface has been change as mentioned. You will have to update you regular expressions to Servlet specification compatible URL patterns. Of your the respective method signature was changed from

    public Set<String> getUriRegex() {
        Set<String> result = new HashSet<>();
        return result;
    } // getUriRegex()


    public Set<String> getUrlPatterns() {
        Set<String> result = new HashSet<>();

        return result;
    } // getUrlPatterns()

Mind the missing regular expression syntax and that the full URI path has to be given.

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